wedding photographer new york

at the beginning of 2013 i wrote a wish list of things i want to accomplish in the year to come. i wrote it on a nice piece of paper and put it up on the wall by my desk next to all the other things that inspire me, and pretty much forgot about it. until the other day when i looked at it and realized that ALL my wishes and accomplishments has come through! so i did a little happy dance (read: ran around and did my famous robot dance to the first party tune i found on my phone) and it made me feel so good i though i would write a new list for 2014:
-indian wedding! i’ve actually already shot an indian wedding during my first year in business but that was before i was a film photographer so i would love to do another one in 2014!
-in june 2014 i’m doing 4 weddings in 4 different countries in 4 weeks. it’s my dream come true – traveling and photography. bring more months like that on! 
-i’ve done several gay weddings with women but so far not a male couple so that is defiantly on my list too! 
-i want to attend a photography workshop. every time i do i get so inspired and i’m convinced that one should never stop learning new things.
let’s see in 12 months or so if my poor neighbors will see another robot dance or not… 
New York Wedding Photographer